Today's Agenda will deal with "Land Use Issues" only.
The public is encouraged to attend and participate.
1. Strategic Plan - (Meetings held with Elected Officials and executive staff. Draft report should be submitted by 6/22/09)
2. Sustainability Officer - (Recruitment is in process. Preliminary phases of selection process have been undertaken, interviews to be scheduled shortly.)
3. Las Cruces Center - (Status report provided monthly on second, Regular City Council Meeting)
4. Downtown - (The project design is ongoing with Bohann-Huston, Inc. Work session with City Council regarding Farmer's Market Representatives - Downtown Design Process was held on July 13, 2009.)
5. Impact Fees - (A change order to revise the draft impact fee capital improvements plan (IFCIP) document, to add additional consultant trips, and to add a time and expense budget to cover the cost for implementation assistance was approved by City Council on June 15, 2009. We anticipate that the new draft of the IFCIP will be submitted to the City the first week of August 2009.)
6. Aquatics Center - (Status report provided monthly on first, Regular City Council Meeting)
7. Vision 2040 - (The consultants have completed preliminary drafts of the CLC Comprehensive Plan and DAC Comprehensive Plan. Both preliminary drafts are being reviewed by city and county staff. The consultants are working to complete the preliminary draft of the Vision 2040 Regional Plan.)
8. Grants/ARRA Status - (Refer to Matrix.)
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