These words were spoken by President Abraham Lincoln on March 4, 1861 in Washington, D.C. at his first Inauguration. President Lincoln fully understood the rights of Americans and he sided with their right to disagree with government.
I wonder what the media would do to him for uttering these words?
This week we have seen and heard Americans expressing their Constitutional right of "Freedom of Speech and Assembly." Yet, the media and others have "be cried" the public right to voice their objections to their elected representatives concerning the Healthcare Bill.
Though I don't agree in violence or criminal threats, I do agree that we all have a right to express our dissatisfaction with our government....no matter how vocal or loud the dissent may be.
Our elected "representative" or to represent us, their bosses. They are to hear the concerns of their constituents and provide meaningful answers to serious questions.
I am concerned when those "representatives" fail to meet with the people and try to correct their mistakes in failing policies.
The issue is not Republican or Democrat...is about a government "of the people, by the people and for the people."
This week I had the opportunity to attend several meetings in the area including the Border Security Conference sponsored by UTEP and attended the keynote given by Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano whose remarks were eye-opening to say the least.
Congressman Harry Teague attended a joint meeting of the Las Cruces Home Builders Association, Greater Las Cruces Chamber of Commerce and Las Cruces Association of Realtors Boards of Directors and community leaders. There were strong questions asked but there were "no shouting matches" going on. Just democracy in action.
How soon we forget the "rioting in Watts," "the Democratic National Convention in Chicago," "The Million Man March on Washington," "Civil Rights Demonstrations," "Bra Burnings," "Anti-War Demonstrations," and other highly emotionally charged issues that Americans have "LOUDLY AND VIOLENTLY" voiced their dissatisfaction with current Administrations.
When we forget the past, we lose our future. We are a Republic Government formed by our Founding Fathers who understood the "right to object." They lost life, property and all for the freedom to assembly and freely speak.
Let us never lose sight of what makes America Great...our Constitutional Rights of Free Speech, Assembly, Religion, the Right to Bear Arms, etc. We should rejoice in the fact that we can oppose our Government as is our right.