Monday, June 1, 2009


On Friday, Cindy Padilla, New Mexico Secretary of Aging and Long-term Services Department visited Senior Programs in Las Cruces. Her visit was in conjunction with the State's Senior Olympics being held in Albuquerque over the weekend.

The purpose of her visit was a "listening tour" as she called it. She visited various Senior Centers in area with her last visit to Munson Senior Center. She spoke to local Seniors, volunteers and staff.

She stated that "The State Seniors Programs provide high quality services and of all departments in State government is the most effective and efficient." Her department continues to review and evaluate social programs and even though her budget has been impacted by the economy, she assured those in attendance that she will continue to provide quality senior programs.

Secretary Padilla's department also encompasses Adult Protective Services which investigates elderly abuse and neglect, Consumer Division that deals with Medicare/Medicaid benefits, Brain Injury Advocacy Program, Long Term Care, Elder Disability and other Senior services.

Mrs. Padilla stated that "we are trying to make positive difference in our communities." She went on to say that "volunteers who are compassionate and caring are essential in making Senior programs the success they are."

"What we do is from the "heart" we act because we love our Seniors and we should continue to learn from them as they have vast experiences and expertise that needs to be tapped into." "We have are responsibility to care for one another...we must see the 'big picture' and remember that we are all in this together no matter our ages" said Mrs. Padilla.

As a side note, I have been personally involved as a Board member of the the Las Cruces Senior Citizens Corporation (LCSCC) for the last two-years. The LCSCC has a wide variety of programs at Munson Senior Center like: Saturday Dances, Kraft Nook, Thrift Store and Voyagers Travel Group. We encourage all Seniors to participate in the great programs the City of Las Cruces provides, from lunch, meals-on-wheels, recreation and crafts, travel, etc.

If you have questions,schedule of events, menus, hours, regarding Senior Programs, please call Munson Senior Center at (575) 528-0000. Shelly Modell is the Senior Programs Director and her office is located at Munson Center as well.

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