Friday, August 7, 2009


I personally don’t like labels. However, when recently asked the question as to how I define myself let me state from the beginning that first and foremost I am an American.

When we try to place ourselves in a box of labels, we diminish who we are. I am “liberal” in some areas and very “conservative” in others. Though I am a registered Republican and have been active in official roles in the past, I don’t hold fast to all Republican doctrines, just as I do not hold fast to all my faith doctrines.

Does this mean I am less a Christian or Republican? Absolutely not! So what does all this mean?

Let me start by using the favorite political "buzz word" today - CHANGE.

The word change has been cheapened today, just like the word love. We talk about change, yet where is it? Change means different things to different people.

To me change means moving forward in a positive direction with common goals, which brings out the best in people. Today’s change is not clearly defined; we have political change, meaning what? The politicians are the same, so where is the change?

The rhetoric is the same. Our members of Congress are still fighting one another. The conflicts are still waging in the world. The economy is still bad. So where is the change?

The real change is us… “We the People.” We bring about the changes through our active participation in the electoral process. We must hold our elected officials accountable and responsible to bring about true changes like ethics reforms and efforts to stop voter fraud and tax-and-spend politicians who have no regard for the long-term consequences of their actions.

Labels are used to warn us of dangers… medicines, poisons, traffic,etc. However,the labels we use are dangerous too, but even more importantly they are divisive.

The next time you call someone a name (label) think about what you are really saying not only about the individual you are labeling, but what it says about you.

God created us to be freethinking and with the ability to reason. However, today we live in a society with very few free-thinking men and women. Instead, many are satisfied with the status quo and are oblivious to what changes are being made that are destroying the moral fiber of this nation. More and more of our civil liberties and rights are being taken from us. Why? Because we just don’t care and are OK in our little comfort zones.

The greatest threat to this country is apathy. This is the true label of who we are as a nation. We have no will to stand up and fight for what is right. We want to depend on others to defend our rights. This is very sad and discouraging.

So, let me conclude in saying that if you want to label yourself and are satisfied with mediocrity, just continue to be apathetic and eventually you will be left without anything. As for me, I will continue to be a proud American and will continue to defend my rights as an American.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


The Las Cruces City Council approved a Resolution to hold Municipal Elections on Tuesday, November 3, 2009.

The following schedule was approved for the voting process:

• Sept. 22 - CANDIDATE filing date

• Sept. 29 - BALLOT positions will be drawn

• Oct. 3 - LAST DAY for a voter to register

• Oct. 7 - ABSENTEE paper ballot voting begins

• Oct. 14 - IN-PERSON EARLY VOTING begins at City Clerk's office

• Oct. 17, 24, 31 - SATURDAY VOTING AVAILABLE, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., at the City Clerk's office

• Oct. 31 - last day to vote early

Candidate packets are available at the City Clerk's office.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


The City of Las Cruces,Las Cruces Police Department in partnership with Target Stores invite the community to attend the 26th ANNUAL NIGHT OUT better known as "Take Back the Night" event this evening on Main Street-Downtown at 6:0p.m.

The events are designed to: (a) heighten crime, gang and drug prevention awareness; (b) generate support for and participation in local anti-crime programs; (c) strengthen neighborhood spirit and police-community partnerships; and (d) send a message to criminals and gang members letting them know that neighborhoods are organized and fighting back.

This is an opportunity for families to participate and visit with local law enforcement and fire personnel, as well as other community organizations of the community. There will be informational booths, food and entertainment during the event.

Monday, August 3, 2009


Las Cruces City Council will meet today at 1:00 p.m. at City Hall.

They will be voting on a Resolution to set the date for Municipal Elections. The date proposed will coincide with National and State elections, November 3, 2009.

The following City Council seats are up for election: District 3 - Dolores Archuleta; District 5 - Gil Jones and District 6 - Sharon Thomas.

This years election will be an interesting as there is much speculation as to possible candidates to challenge Councilors in each district. There will be some hot campaign issues that all candidates will have to address including "Red Light Cameras," "Public Safety," and "Quality of Life" issues.

I would encourage you to consider serving our community and think about running for City Council. Candidate Election packets are available from the City Clerk's office at City Hall or contact Esther Martinez at 575.541.2118.