Thursday, July 23, 2009


Dems' Plan Is Hidden Tax
Thursday, July 23, 2009
By Jim Scarantino

This editorial was published in today's ABQ Journal.

"Tucked into the Democrats' health care reforms is a carbon tax on every man, woman and child in America . It's not labeled a carbon tax, but that's precisely what it is, for it weighs on anyone who emits carbon by the simple act of breathing. You can escape this tax by earning so little money the government isn't interested in your wallet. Or you can die.

"This tax on breathing comes in the form of mandatory purchase of health insurance, whether you want it or not, and regardless whether you will ever need the coverage you will be forced to buy. The surplus premiums the government wrings from you equal a tax that pays for other people's health care.

"Democrats will make it illegal to live without buying a health insurance plan approved by the politicians and bureaucrats who will oversee the federal takeover of the nation's health care industry. Americans will be required to certify on their income tax returns that they have complied. Failure to answer correctly will result in serious monetary fines. Democrats project collecting over $100 billion in penalties without any obligation to provide some service in return.

"A massive enforcement apparatus will hunt down Americans who have done nothing wrong but mind their own business. It is not inconceivable that the government could place liens on homes and garnishee paychecks because some citizens refuse to surrender their money for government-mandated insurance policies instead of funding higher priorities in their lives, like college tuition or starting a new business.

"I would have fallen into this category of villains when I was launching a solo law practice. I lacked enough money to purchase health insurance for myself and my wife, while also covering start-up and operating costs and a secretary's salary and benefits. To avoid going into debt, I elected to purchase only a catastrophic incident policy. It had a sky-high deductible but a tiny price I could afford. For anything except disaster, we were effectively uninsured. Many small businesspeople have made the same call and survived to tell the tale.

"That legitimate exercise of rational decision-making would be outlawed under the Democrats' plan. A party that bills itself as tolerant and pro-choice has declared it will not tolerate individuals choosing to meet their health care needs as they see fit. Government will now make that decision. Woe to those who resist. The IRS knows how to find you.

"So much for the mantra of “our bodies, ourselves.” Our sniffles, broken bones, sore joints and internal plumbing will become federal issues, though we never invited the government into our affairs by seeking its assistance. The quaint concept of personal autonomy will be relegated to the dim, brutish, pre-Obama past.

"This is the new “culture of coverage.” Instead of promoting personal responsibility and self-reliance, government will indoctrinate its citizens in the merits of hitching a free ride on other's backs.

"Organized calisthenics will involve extending an arm forward from the shoulder, turning one hand to the sky, and holding that pose until free stuff graces the palm. All citizens must participate. Them that's got, give it up. Everyone else, find your place in line.

"This culture of coverage ducks the hard questions our President says we must face. It does not address escalating health care costs, due in no small part, let's be frank, to reckless, ignorant and stupid behavior by rich and poor alike. It will not reduce Medicare fraud or deter defensive diagnoses and procedures. People who over-consume medical services because they don't feel the pinch of paying their own bills won't change. This isn't reform, but an unprecedented grab for money, expanded powers, and control over what should remain very personal aspects of our private lives."

[Reprinted with permission from Mr. Scarantion.]

[Jim Scarantino spent 25 years practicing law, including time as a prosecutor in Philadelphia and New Mexico . He concluded his legal career as the ACLU-New Mexico's lawyer of the year in 2006. Scarantino also served as executive director of the New Mexico Wilderness Alliance and Republicans for Environmental Protection. He currently writes a monthly report for the Rio Grande Foundation. E-mail: ]


In a Special Work Session held yesterday at City Council Chambers,the City Council met with local construction companies, subcontractors and suppliers involved in the bidding process for major government construction contracts in the City. There has been dissatisfaction from local contractors that there are some serious deficiencies in the bidding process.

Bob Telles, Purchasing Manager for the City presented several recommendations Wednesday to try to correct the problems in the process.

This brings to the forefront the inequities in the bidding process by Las Cruces business leaders who brought their concerns to city council several weeks ago which prompted a yesterdays work session.

City Council will consider the recommendations presented at the August 3rd City Council meeting at 1:00 p.m.


Also,there have been similar complaints regarding the bidding process by local/state contractors for the building of "Spaceport America." The current bid process only allows for the hiring of 5% in state contractors the remaining 95% can be out-of-state.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Steve Pearce with his wife, Cynthia at his side announced yesterday afternoon that he would seek the GOP nomination for the 2nd Congressional District House seat currently held by Harry Teague. The Hobbs business man addressed about 100supporters who gathered at Rawson Builders to hear comments from Pearce who held the congressional seat prior to his run for the U.S. Senate last year and losing to Tom Udall.

The "old guard" of the local GOP were present and his old campaign and congressional staff from Dona Ana County were among the group. There were a number of young and enthusiastic supporters also, with a strong presence from the GOP 'conservative right wing evangelicals' present.

In his introductory speech, former State Senator Lee Rawson defined Pearce's full name. Steve he said means "the crowned one;" Edward (Pearce's Middle Name) is "appointed protector;" and Pearce means "rock." Rawson went on to say that Pearce was a "patriot, leader, former Veteran, and will stand up to protect the rights of New Mexicans." Using the acronym BET which Rawson explained was "B for balance;" "E for experience;" and finally "T for Trust."

Pearce opened by saying that the "GOP has not communicated well with the American people and has failed to get out their message." He noted that he has known Harry Teague for a number of years and their offices were across the street from one another in Hobbs, NM where both men are in the oil business. However, Pearce said that Teague has failed New Mexico and that it was time for a change.

He said as he looked at Teagues conformist votes and views during his first term in Congress this convinced him that he needed to run again. Pearce said that he was extremely disappointed in Teague's vote for the "Cap and Trade" bill that will "kill jobs in New Mexico."

Pearce admitted that this would be a "tough fight" and that he could not count on Washington for support. His opponent's supporters will use "stimulus money" to "buy favor" from local communities and leaders to help him maintain his seat.

"Tax and Spend" is what has hurt American and the "out of control Congress adding more bureaucracies: doesn't help Pearce went on to say.

Pearce said that he was committed to "fight for jobs for New Mexico, cut spending and taxes, fight corruption in New Mexico at all levels, the revitalization of the U.S. economy, and protect the people and the environment" were among his litany of political challenges.

"I need your help, it will take money, time and volunteers to help me win" as Pearce challenged his supporters to get involved.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


The Doña Ana County Board of Commissioners will convene a Joint Work Session with the City Council of Las Cruces to be held on Tuesday, July 21, 2009 at 9:00 a.m. in the Doña Ana County Commission Chambers, 1st Floor, Doña Ana County Government Center, 845 North Motel Boulevard, Las Cruces, NM.

The following items are on the Agenda for consideration:

1. Formation of Solar and Renewable Energy Districts

2. Reflections Regarding Extra Territorial Authority/Zone Participation and Current Joint Powers Agreement Requirements

3. Air Quality and Emission Standards in the City of Las Cruces and Doña Ana County

4. Public Input

The public is invited to attend and participate.


The Las Cruces City Council met yesterday to discuss proposed changes to the City Ordinances which included the following:

1. City council has approved changes to a City ordinance that will allow animal adoptions at the Las Cruces Farmers and Crafts Market.

2. The Council also approved two agreements with Service Employment Redevelopment (SER) for summer and year-round employment programs for at-risk teens between the ages of 16 to 19.

3. Agreements were reached with with seven non-profit agencies: Casa de Peregrinos, Community Action Agency, Families and Youth Inc., Jardin de los Ni-os, La Casa Inc., Mesilla Valley CASA, Inc., and Mesilla Valley Community of Hope that will provide a combined $160,000 in services to low-income families in the City.


Steve Pearce will be in Las Cruces today as he formally announces his campaign for Congressional District 2, currently held by Harry Teague.

"Bring Back Pearce Campaign Kick-off" as his supports are calling this event will begin at 5:00 p.m. at the Rawson Builders at 2355 Nevada Avenue owned by former State Senator Lee Rawson.

For more information or questions please call Jessica Perez at 575-805-2106

Monday, July 20, 2009


The Las Cruces City Council will meet today in Regular Session,at 1:00 p.m. The Work Session is to be held in the City Council Chambers, 200 N. Church Street, Las Cruces, NM.

There is a full Agenda today.

Let me encourage you to please attend City Council meetings. There are important issues that are being presented and ordinances being passed with little input from the citizens. The lack of community involvement certainly will lead to passing frivolis and loss of rights due to non-participation.